

Can Hyperview restore a database backup upon request?

Jamie Conner

Does Hyperview perform database backups, and can I submit a request to restore those backups if needed?

1 Answer
Jamie Conner
Best Answer

Hyperview database backup restoration is reserved for disaster-recovery scenarios. Restoring from a backup is not accessible for user-made changes or updates to the platform. Allowing such an action would affect the following data and cause impact to the entire Hyperview Azure region.

- Changes made since the backup.
- Orphaned data and information.
- Gaps in sensor monitoring timelines.
- Calculated data misalignment.
- Introductions of stale sensor data.

Hyperview is a dynamic system where assets and asset data impact each other. For example, removing a rack impacts the power and space calculations for upstream systems. There is also ongoing monitoring and calculations that are impacted by the user's behavior. Point-in-time recovery is not possible because of upstream and downstream process impact.

To avoid requiring a database backup scenario, please subscribe to the following policies and behaviors.

  1. Assign proper user roles to Hyperview users.
    1. Use restrictive or read-only roles, and only assign write/edit roles where necessary.
  2. Implement Access Control Policies
    1. Users not included in Access Policies cannot affect locations, assets, or racks which they cannot access.
  3. Export Data Often
    1. Use built-in export functions and/or API data exports to backup location, rack, and asset data often. These can be used to import back into the system if necessary.
  4. Review the confirmation dialogs containing warnings of permanently removed data.
    1. Updating or removing certain data from the system will always pop-up a confirmation dialog containing warnings stating that the action is irreversible.

In the event that a database restore request is made, the Hyperview support team can only offer to assist recreating the data. They are unable to perform a database restore unless it is disaster-recovery related.
