Why are some Supermicro servers discovered with the Chassis information and other Supermicro servers discovered with the Board information?
1 Answer
Discovering Supermicro servers depends on multiple factors:
The integrator or OEM who built the server or storage server.
Reputable or certified integrator
Third-party builder or assembler
Does the server / storage box have a Bare Metal Controller (BMC) card?
Is the server properly connected to the network?
Are the credentials stored in Hyperview?
Has the OEM or integrator properly updated the fields in the BIOS?
If the values have not been updated, then sometimes the default values of "0123456789" or "1234567890" will be discovered. There are special rules in Hyperview to validate those values for the board or the chassis. In order to update the values, specialized tools or software will be required.
If the motherboard value for the model is returned from the server instead of the chassis model number, then Hyperview suggests that you identify the compatible chassis from the Supermicro model matrix and change the Hyperview model to a compatible chassis. If the chassis model does not exist in Hyperview, please inform the support team to add the model support for you.