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Why does my asset in Hyperview show generic model properties?

Jamie Conner

I added / discovered a new asset to Hyperview and the model properties for the asset are showing very generic values.

1 Answer
Jamie Conner
Best Answer

Hyperview asset information is driven by the Hyperview catalog. The catalog is a cloud based asset information repository that your Hyperview instance pulls model information from. When a device is discovered by the system, the reported model name from the asset is used to attempt matching that device with its model information from the catalog. Sometimes the reported model name from the device is not specific to the configuration for the device itself. In other words, the device reports generic information for the model name.

Often times, the generic model names reported by the devices are matched with a generic version of that model from the catalog. When this occurs, the user will see basic model information in the system. You can then edit the model for the device manually to select the specific version of that model and update the model properties for the device.

Select a Specific Model
If your asset was discovered as a generic model, then follow these instructions to select the specific model.

  1. Navigate to the asset dashboard in Hyperview.

  2. Open the information menu and select the Properties option.

  3. On the Properties page for the asset, click on the Model value to edit it.

  4. Scroll through or type in the model field to search for the specific model in the list.

  5. After selecting the model, click the OK button.

A user runs a discovery for a Liebert NPower 65kVA UPS. Hyperview communicates with the device and it reports itself as a generic NPower UPS. The system matches the NPower device to the generic NPower model in the catalog based on the information collected from the device during discovery. In order to see the proper model information, the user changes the model name in Hyperview from "Npower" to "NPower 65kVA".
