

Will a discovery automatically update an asset's name?

Jamie Conner

If I perform a discovery for an asset in Hyperview, will the asset name property be updated automatically?

1 Answer
Jamie Conner
Best Answer

The asset Name property has a few rules in Hyperview. These rules have been set to keep Hyperview from overwriting manually set property values for assets, but are also the reason why the discovery is not updating your asset's names currently. The following list outlines the Name rules in Hyperview:

  • If the asset is newly discovered, then the display name will be assigned to the asset based on the discovery definition.

  • If the asset display name is updated on the device, then rediscovered and the original name came from discovery, then the name will be updated with another discovery.

  • Users may override the asset display name value in Hyperview at any time.

  • If the asset name was manually set for an asset inside Hyperview after initial discovery, then the asset will keep that manually set name, even after rediscovery.

  • If the asset was manually created prior to being discovered, and then discovered and merged into the manually created device, then the asset name will keep the manually entered user set name in Hyperview.

The asset bulk import feature leverages the same API that the manual create asset function uses. In this case the name would follow the same rules as if the asset was manually created. Manually set asset names are not updated upon discovery since the system assumed that you would want to keep the manually set display name and continue managing it manually.

There are DNS Hostname and Hostname properties for the devices that if discovered will be populated depending on the protocol used for discovery. These are found in the Information > Properties page for the asset in Hyperview. Users cannot manually override these name properties, and they are only updated with discoveries. DNS Hostname and Hostname asset properties are not currently indexed or searchable. I will add a feature request for you to have this feature added so that you may build reports based on those asset properties. You will receive a notification from our system when the request has been created and can follow up from there.

There are multiple routes that can be taken to resolve asset names that need to be updated currently. One option is to leverage the API to return the asset property information, then use that output to update the existing assets name properties. Another method would be to remove the assets from Hyperview, then discover the assets without manually setting the Name property. This would ensure that any future name updates on the assets would be automatically logged via discovery, but would also wipe any custom properties or historically logged data for the device.
