

Does Hyperview support Daisy Chained Rack PDUs?

I have several Rack PDUs that are daisy chained together and are only discoverable from the controller / header device. Does Hyperview support discovery of daisy chained Rack PDUs?

1 Answer
Jamie Conner
Best Answer

Hyperview does support discovery for daisy chained Rack PDUs!

Setup the Hyperview discovery so that the Data Collector will discover the controller or header RPDU in the chain, then run the discovery. The expected outcome of the discovery is that a separate asset is automatically created in Hyperview for each device in the chain. All of the properties and sensors should be allocated to their respective device which can then be managed individually.

If you find that only a single device is discovered, or that the properties and sensors are mapped improperly, then it is likely that an enhancement to the device definition used to discover the device is required. We recommend that you contact Hyperview Support through a Helpdesk ticket and provide the necessary information to enhance the discovery support for the daisy chained devices.

Hyperview Helpdesk -
