I want to run an advanced search and filter it based on properties and sensors from my devices, but I cannot find the specific properties or sensors in the filters.
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The Advanced Search Property and Sensor filter option is broken down into different types of properties and sensors. You must first determine what type of property or sensor before you can apply a filter on them. If you do not see a property or sensor in the list of filters, then it is likely that you have selected the incorrect type.
The property or sensor type is not a filter based on the name of the property or sensor, but rather a filter on the value associated to them. The following list breaks down all the different types of properties and sensors in Hyperview.
- Asset Property (String) - A string type asset property that is either assigned by the application, manually input on the device, or automatically discovered. String type asset properties are the most common and can contain numbers, letters, and some special characters.
- Asset Property (Numeric) - A numeric type asset property that is either assigned by the application, manually input on the device, or automatically discovered. Numeric type asset properties are less common and can only contain numbers.
- Custom Property (String) - A string type custom property that has been manually configured for an asset.
- Custom Property (Numeric) - A numeric type custom property that has been manually configured for an asset.
- Custom Property (Date) - A date type custom property that has been manually configured for an asset.
- Sensor (String) - A string type sensor that is either assigned by the application, manually input on the device, or automatically discovered. String type sensors are less common than numeric sensors and can contain a mixture of numbers, letters, and some special characters.
- Sensor (Numeric) - A numeric type sensor that is either assigned by the application, manually input on the device, or automatically discovered. Numeric type sensors are the most common type of sensor and can only contain numbers.