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How do I submit IPMI data to Hyperview for support?

Jamie Conner

How can I use the ipmi-scanner-cli to generate an IPMI data file for Hyperview support?

1 Answer
Jamie Conner
Best Answer

In some cases Hyperview support will request specific protocol data from devices in order to enhance discoveries. The following outline reviews the Hyperview IPMI tool overview and usage directions.

Tool Location:

The ipmi-scanner-cli is found in the following directory of the Hyperview Linux Data Collector host machine.


Tool Usage:

Replace the IPADDRESS, USERNAME, and PASSWORD options with the credentials for the device you want to scan.

./ipmi-scanner-cli -i IPADDRESS -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD > ipmioutput.txt

Step By Step Process:

  1. SSH to the Hyperview Linux Data Collector.
  2. Obtain root access.
    • sudo su -
  3. Navigate to the tool's directory.
    • /opt/datacollector/bin
  4. Execute the tool.
    • ./ipmi-scanner-cli -i IPADDRESS -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD > ipmioutput.txt
  5. Copy the ipmioutput.txt file to a new or existing helpdesk ticket with Hyperview support.