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Why do I see {var3} in the SNMP trap events from an asset?

Jamie Conner

SNMP traps are enabled for my equipment and sent to Hyperview as events. Hyperview is displaying a variable as the trap message instead of the description of the trap. Why is this occurring?

1 Answer
Jamie Conner
Best Answer

Hyperview uses SNMP trap definitions to translate the trap data into human readable event content. In some cases a trap may contain different content than expected, or less content than expected.

If the SNMP trap definition expects there to be three variables delivered in the trap data content, and only receives two, then the expected third variable will display the variable tag such as {var3}. This may occur when asset MIBs are updated or new firmware is released.

In these cases the Hyperview support team can handle updating the trap definitions to ensure the latest asset firmware and MIBs are referenced. Please contact the Hyperview support team with examples of the SNMP traps in question.

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